Directed by Tamara Lucarini Cortés
Spain | 2023 | 18' | Spanish
Ane and Andrea are in their bedroom having sex. Life goes on outside, but they have lost track of time. Although they sometimes think they are thirsty, they want to seize their moment together and hug each other again, until their bodies can't take it anymore and help arrives from outside to save them.

Festivals & Awards
Outfest - Los Angeles (USA)
Zinebi - International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao (Spain)
LesGaiCineMad (Spain)
Festival de cortometrajes vascos Huhezinema (Spain)
Toronto Queer Film Festival (Canada)
West Bengal Short Film Festival (India)
BFI Flare London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival (UK)
Cinhomo (Spain)
ICOFF-GASTEIZ, el festival internacional de cortometrajes de Vitoria-Gasteiz. (Spain)
Festival de Cine de Alicante (Spain)
Mecal Barcelona International Short and Animation Film Festival (Spain)
OutSouth Queer Film Festival (USA)
Antwerp Queer Arts Festival (Belgium)
Oslo/Fusion International Film Festival (Norway)
International Queer FF Playa del Carmen (México)
Pink Panorama Festival (Switzerland)
Insólito: Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico (Peru)
Brussels Pink Screens Film Festival (Belgium)
Queertactics - Queer Feminist Film Festival Vienna (Austria)